Afternoon Folks Today I want to write about something very much an everyday part of not just my life but all our lives.
Hormones!!!! They literally are the bain of my life I swear to god.
I'm 33 and for years I have always struggled with different emotions and irregular body temperature. It drives me nuts I cannot express how much it affects me and certain situations in my life.
I am going to be totally blunt in writing this as its life so if you don't like honesty or find this post too much then don't carry on from here x
When I was 11 I started my period and thought the world was ending, yes I had the classes at school and obviously, my mum spoke to me about periods and growing up. But still, it was that why my situation, now the age of 11 is normally around the time most girls get their period, but for my mum she never had hers till she was 17 which is pretty late.
My mum and also two of her sister went through the menopause in their 30s again which is pretty early in a woman.
I'm always saying to those that know me, oh I'm having a hot flush or man it's so cold and there like "Julie are you ever one temperature" ha.
And my answer to them all is no I'm not and it drives me to distraction. I hate being too warm there is nothing worse than being sweaty and uncomfortable, everyday especially when the weather is warmer I have to change my clothes particularly my underwear and its embarrassing for me. Even going shopping, for example, it might not be a warm day but my god do I suffer, it's a mix I think of hormones and my nerves, even if I don't feel nervous I seem to get all hot and bothered.
In my work bag, I have a spare pair of pants in my bag all the time I just have to and hopefully, I don't need to use them, I'm not saying I wet myself hahaha as I don't and I never smell of sweat but I do get hot and bothered and yes since we being blunt my underwear gets soaking with the heat and I hate it so so much.
Does anyone else suffer from these symptoms especially out there that is in the 30s or even younger?? Please say it's not just me.
The main reason I wanted to write this today I cause this week has been a nightmare for me but I have gotten good at hiding it.
I have so much to look forward to and reasons to be happy, but this week I just don't and that is mostly down to my mood which yes if affected by the anxiety disorder, but all so I am due my period!.
My hair is limp and lifeless and it just annoys me, standard hormonal problems, I am knackered all time with no motivation I don't want to do anything, I have always hated the way I look not just that I'm overweight which is my own doing and yes before people start slagging me I know that only person that can lose the weight is me.
I eat my emotions I always have if I feel down about the way I look, Julie, your fat you are ugly what do I do I turn to food that is my comfort.
I think about food all the damned time it's and addiction I have always had.
I realize that with that time of the month do you get more irrational and irritated but oh my mine can be so extreme and defiantly gets worse with age, my actual period isn't bad it's all the other symptoms that go along with it.
Literally one min I was to cry my heart out and stay in bed forever, next I am giggling away then I have to do something and I get anger.
Now I haven spoken to the doctor and she did tell me that you can suffer from 10 years pre-menopausal symptoms thanks very much for that haha.
So if you were not aware of this then it can happen.
So really the reason for this post is it do you ever have a time in your life when you know there are so many reasons for you to be happy but your just far from it, so that makes you feel even worse but how do you get your head around it and get motivated!!.
I also used to be on the contraceptive pill off a good few year ro regulate my period and make them less painful as a lot of woman do, but I no longer take them at all, I am not keen on the coil or implant so I get a non hormonal pill from the doctor that helps with the pain and flow I highly recommend trying this method than being on the pill if you can.
I hope this isnt a bad post and you get something from it im totally hormoanl writing this so itmight not even make sense haha but thats real life.
Have a fantatic saturday whatever your upto x
please like and follow my blog and like and subscribe to my you tube channel julie barbour.
have a good evening xx
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