Sunday, 9 April 2017

Mental Health Lets Stop The Stigma

Evening folks tonight's post is going to be a different one to anything I have ever posted.

I recently read a post that was just so appalling  that i'm not even going to mention who they were that wrote it as the ignorance from this person was just down right disgusting.

When it comes to Mental Health some people have this "if you can't see it it's not there attitude". 

It totally stinks how can anyone be so callus and narrow minded. 

I have suffered bouts of depression in my life particularly to do with my appearance and weight issues.

You get people going well regarding the weight well if you weren't so fat and did exercise then you wouldn't feel bad about yourself and as for your ugliness you can't change that. When folk say these things to you all the time especially when your young growing up it affects you, its a mental torture.

Yes I know that I am over weight I love to eat food and don't really exercise so yeah its only me who can do something about it but you don't need the horrid comments from those around you.

Regarding depression being told oh your not doing enough to pull yourself out of it, its not that simple, the word depression can get used in general terms and you might just be having a bad day, we all have them but don't assume that the person is just having a bad day, how do you know what there going through have you taken the time to ask them and listen or find out what there going through. Granted they might not want to tell you but at least you showed interest instead of making them feel like crap.

The post I read was just disgusting going on like people who have a Mental illness make it up they need to get a grip and stop going on about it. 

This doesn't help at all, also the cheek to say that its wasting NHS and the medical systems time and money when they should be dealing with more serious illnesses and situations.

Its just gob smacking the complete ignorance of folk in this world. I just hope and pray that one day these people don't then find themselves in the predicament of getting a mental health issue as it can happen to anyone at anytime.

I got diagnosed by my GP in 2014 with an anxiety disorder, I thought initially I was having a heart attack and panic attacks as it turns out it was symptoms of my Hiatus Hernia, but as the doctor explained to me with all I have been through in my life and other things that im not going to publish on her she is not surprised that My state of mind has going the way it has.

I was terrified and didn't have a clue why or how to explain to anyone lest alone my friends and family how I was feeling or why.

I wanted to curl up in a ball and die to make it all go away, My boss at the time was thee most disgusting excuse for a human being  I knew this from day one that she had the worst reputation but with having to deal with her regarding my diagnosis and time signed off she was ignorant, vile and down right disgusting," telling me your going to lose all your friends you need to get a grip an a hold of yourself."

I was sat there crying my eyes out while this woman made me feel like a peace of shit on the bottom of her shoe. 

Never let anyone make you feel like that. This anxiety disorder I have is horrid and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy, worse than the depression I found that easier to deal with, I went to go for a walk one day when particularly bad with my anxiety and it was the most terrifying experience of my life my body just wouldn't move it was like i was paralysed with fear nothing wanted to move my heart was beating so fast I was so scared. 

For me what triggers my anxiety is mostly hormonal imbalance I have had long discussions with my doctor about this and unfortunately I just have to find ways to deal with it.

After going through the worst year of my life from 2014/15 I got medication and now my anxiety is much more in control and I know how to handle it. Don't get me wrong it still affects me at times and always will. I still feel there is such stigma even toward me at times even from people I have tried to explain it too, they just don't get it as they haven't experienced it.

please if you can't or don't have the decency to try and understand or get the information then don't be that ignorant person.

If you want to ask me anything on how I deal with my mental health anything at all then please feel free to ask me. 

Some of us out there do genuinely want to help and show support to fellow sufferers and hopefully a voice for those who feel like they can't speak out.

I hope I have come across in the right way and have a great evening whatever your doing.

Much love xx 


  1. Your old boss sounds awful - I'm so sorry you experienced that! I hope things are at least a little bit better for you now, now you've hopefully found ways to deal with it better! x

  2. Thanks Lauren yeah things are so much better and I'm not a bitter person. I will never forget how was treated but when I see her I smile and move on xx 😘
